What students, parents and guardians need to know

At McLoughlin, we want every student to feel safe and welcome so that they can learn and thrive. Along with our Mac manners, the following guidelines help make this possible.


McLoughlin Middle School believes in providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Bullying behaviors will not be tolerated and will result in progressive discipline.

Public displays of affection

Kissing or prolonged hugging is not appropriate.

Behavior during passing times

Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. If students are in the hall during class, they must have a pass.

Cafeteria behavior

Students must stay seated in the cafeteria or go outside. Food and drinks must be consumed inside the cafeteria. Students put away their own trays and pick up their trash, or they may be assigned to help with cafeteria cleanup.


The phones in the office are for emergency use only. A pass from a teacher is required to use the phone. Student cellphones must remain off and put away while school is in session or the phone will be confiscated.


Cameras may not be used due to student identity protection laws.

Aerosol sprays

Aerosol sprays of any kind are not allowed at school. Perfume and cologne should be left at home. If these are sprayed or rubbed on others, discipline may be assigned.

Food, drinks and gum

Food and drinks are to remain in the cafeteria unless arranged by staff

  • Gum, caffeinated and/or energy drinks are not allowed at McLoughlin.
  • Food and drinks should not be shared.
  • Powdery substances like Koolaid, sugar mixes and/or spicy candy are to remain at home.
  • Food and drink will be confiscated from students using the vending machines during passing times if they are tardy for class.


Copying homework or cheating on a test may result in discipline.


Fighting is not an option at McLoughlin. You have the right to protect yourself by putting your hands around your face for protection or leaving the area to get an adult. If you choose to fight back by hitting, punching, pushing, etc., you are part of the fight and will be disciplined accordingly. Play fighting and horseplay often lead to injury and/or a real fight. For this reason, they are not allowed at McLoughlin; participating students are subject to discipline.


Students may not have prescription or over-the-counter medication in their possession at any time while at school or on the bus. This includes Ibuprofen, cold/allergy medication, etc. Students in possession of medication will be removed from school and discipline will be imposed.

Office personnel may administer medication to a student if the medication is accurately labeled with a current prescription from a physician on file for the student. The medication must be delivered to school by a parent/guardian and remain locked up in the main office.

Throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to attend assemblies, concerts and sporting events. The audience’s responsibility is to honor the efforts of the performers by providing a positive atmosphere in which their performance can be appreciated by all.

Practice good sportsmanship at all times. Positive, non-disruptive cheering is encouraged; putdowns and negative cheering are not acceptable.

Do not wander from gym to gym or leave the building. Students may move during half-time for use of restrooms, vending machines or to watch the other game.

Failure to comply with these expectations may result in being denied access to McLoughlin assemblies, concerts and sporting events.

All students are required to suit up for PE class. PE attire may be purchased through the school. Do not store valuables in PE lockers. Students only have access to their PE locker during the class they have PE. It is off-limits the rest of the day. Students should always lock their PE lockers.
The primary focus at school is to create a positive and productive learning atmosphere. Because we work together to achieve this climate, equipment such as cellphones, iPods, Game Boys, computer games, yo-yos, trading cards, skateboards or other items not needed for educational purposes are not recommended at school. If students bring these items to school, they will lose them for a period of time or the items will be released to parents.

Lost and stolen items are not the school’s responsibility and cannot be replaced by the school. Students should take care of their belongings and label them with their name. Found items are turned in to the office.

Playing cards and/or personal music devices may be used during lunch and at the discretion of the teacher. They are not to be worn/used in the hallways or outside at lunch. Laser pens are considered weapons.

Students who rely on bicycles, skateboards and rollerblades as means of transportation to and from school should follow these guidelines:

  • Wear a helmet.
  • Do not ride bicycles or skateboards or use rollerblades or any wheeled transportation devices on school grounds or in the parking lots. These items also may not be transported on school buses.
  • Walk bikes through crowded areas before or after school, especially near the buses.
  • Leave bikes and skateboards outside of the school building or gymnasiums, except when they are carried in by hand for check-in.
  • Secure bikes and skateboards in the proper area.
Modest and appropriate dress is expected at McLoughlin Middle School, just as it is in any place of business. If you are in doubt if an item of clothing is acceptable, ask an administrator or counselor. Students who are inappropriately dressed will be asked to change or call home for a change of clothes. Repeat offenders will be subject to progressive discipline.

Apparel and accessories depicting, representing and including but not limited to the following are not allowed:

  • Weapons
  • Violence
  • Drugs, alcohol or tobacco and related items and subjects
  • Vulgarities
  • Insults directed to a particular group (e.g., ethnicity, culture)
  • Innuendos
  • Gangs and gang-related actions and groups (identified from VPD Gang Task Force guidelines)
  • Sexual suggestiveness

Also not allowed in the building are the following:

  • Hats
  • Hoods (except outside on cold days)
  • Other headgear (e.g., sunglasses)
  • Chains
  • Long belts
  • Bandanas (any color) or bandana-print clothing
  • Pajamas (including non-soled slippers)
  • Sagging pants
  • Bare midriffs
  • Short shorts or skirts (hem must be below fingertips)
  • Shirts with bare shoulders (from next to tip of shoulder)
  • Halter tops
  • Low necklines or armholes
  • Visible undergarments

Shoes are to be worn at all times.